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9 Responses to Notice – Legal Advertising

  1. Pingback: Legal blogs as legal advertising? « randywallace

  2. Pingback: 40……make that 41 things NOT to do during your divorce « randywallace

  3. keriharalson says:

    i’M LAUGHING AGAIN….THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Pingback: Search terms……….Ask Randy | randywallace

  5. Dave says:

    Mr. Wallace,

    Thank you for the post. It is so well stated. However true they are there were humorous and disturbing thoughts bouncing throughout as I read it. It’s hard to believe some of the 40,……… excuse me…….41 things would be considered. The fact that divorce does result in people making some “stupid” and even horrible decisions is unfortunate. What an understatement.

    Here’s one that happened to me just now. I recently left my wife. We simply shouldn’t be together and that’s as simple as I’ll put it. About six weeks after I left she calls me, and in an emotional and desperate plea informs me she has been evicted and had no where to turn. I wasn’t sure what to do. She has no friends, her children are unable and her family is out of state. She was the first homeless person I ever knew before they were homeless. To the point, I said she could stay with our son and me a few days to get it together. Two days later the same old routine begins so I tell her she has to be out the next day. She didn’t leave. Called authorities and they said too bad. Called the property manager and they said they’d have to evict us both. I was shocked. Quick ending though. A new manager comes on board and I asked her if she had any ideas. This is how simple it was,…… She said, “let her walk out the door in front of you and simply close and lock the door.” The property manager won’t give her a key because she’s not on the lease and the authorities can’t make me allow her to reside here because it’s not up to me who does. I was on the edge of breaking my lease to get away.

    You’ve seen it plenty I’m sure, but it is new to me. Anyhow, thank you for the post.

    Best regards,

  6. Pingback: Ask Randy v2 | randywallace

  7. donna durham dreher says:

    My husband took out a completely false dvi to get out of the marrital resedence no kids involvied, married 15 yrs i paid for al bills kept saying he would or help, no, nothing! Also he pushed and abused me to the point of knicking me out by oushing me to asphalt on dec 24 06 07 08 on and on he has beento jail 4 times in all, hillborrow co. Pinellis co and in pasco co. And now filed a false d v i with his girlfriend i july 22 2013. Im 63 he thinks he is now, going to sell his shares in holiday travel park in holiday fl for 1.3 mil and in june 24 2014 i recieved my last trust ck. After paying ALL FOR 15 yrs no way . There laws in a div . A judge has a great deal of power if they See the history in hospital and e r records and rec. From domestic vio. History there is a div , close i need a pa who Cares. The history is epic. Thanks!

  8. Pingback: Search terms……….Ask Randy v2 | randywallace

  9. dysfuntional says:

    Dear Mr. Wallace,

    I couldn’t agree with you more!!!! If people knew how much it costs to get divorced, many wouldn’t marry at all!!!!! My divorce is long, drawn out, and messy. I tried civil, didn’t work, so now I have play by his kindergarten ways. I can honestly say, I’m exhausted. My husband is the reason why I like four-legged people better than two.
    Great Advice

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