Chronic Wasting Disease in Mississippi – Where to Find Current Information

On February 9, 2018, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks issued a press release stating that chronic wasting disease had been found in Mississippi.  The positive test came from a 4 1/2 year old buck that was collected on January 25, 2018, in Issaquena County.  Since that time much information and unfortunately, misinformation has come out.  If you are interested in reading the facts rather than the rumors, take a look at the following:

1. You can find regular updates on the MDWFP website:…sting-disease/

2. Officials from the MDWFP regularly appear on the MS Outdoors Radio which airs on the JT Show.  You can find the archives of these shows at The MDWFP also posts the videos from the MS Outdoors Radio programs on the news section of the MDWFP website which you can view at:

3. You can find regular updates on the MDWFP facebook page:

4. You can find updates on the MDWFP twitter account which is @MDWFPonline.

5. The MDWFP held a meeting at the Natural Sciences Museum on February 26 and invited members of the public to participate. Over 100 sportmen attended the even and another couple hundred watched it live on facebook.   The MDWFP broadcasted the event live and then posted the video to their webpage, facebook and twitter. You can view that at…ublic-meeting/

6. MDWFP provided a video update yesterday on their facebook page regarding the progress with sampling and said they intend to schedule another public meeting (possibly in Vicksburg) in the near future.

7.  The MDWFP’s Response Plan for Chronic Wasting Disease.

8.  You can find national news updates regarding chronic wasting disease at the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance’s website.

The sky isn’t falling, but this is a serious disease that will impact deer hunting in Mississippi for years to come.  Read the facts from the experts and keep a skeptical eye out for the misinformation that appears to be coming from the commercial high fence deer industry.

About randywallace
I am a husband, father, attorney, outdoorsman and cook.

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