The purpose of bond

Joshua Adams is the Hinds County deputy charged with murder in the death of Justin Griffin.  The story has been on the news most every night since their altercation of May 4.  A video of the fight was subsequently released.  I am no expert on fighting, but it would appear reasonable people could differ in their interpretation of the video and which person was the aggressor.  Since the death of Mr. Griffin on May 5, Mr. Adams has been jailed without bond.

WLBT is reporting that Circuit Judge Winston Kidd set bond today at $50,000 with some additional conditions.  Many of the responses from viewers on WLBT’s website and facebook page show a lack understanding in the purpose of a criminal bond.  Bond isn’t to punish the accused, but rather to secure the presence of the accused at trial.  Simple as that.  Punishment is reserved for when and if Mr. Adams is convicted.  Until then, Mr. Adams is presumed innocent.

About randywallace
I am a husband, father, attorney, outdoorsman and cook.

One Response to The purpose of bond

  1. thusbloggedanderson says:

    Now, if he’d participated in taking a picture of an old lady in a nursing home, $50K would’ve been much too low.

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