Law and the Outdoors

Found this little jewel while researching something else.

Many men, including this writer, feel that a person who has never seen squirrels jump from limb to limb in the deep swamp on a frosty Fall morning; or has never heard a wild turkey gobble in April or seen him strut during mating season; or has never watched a deer bound through the woods and fields, or heard a pack of hounds run a fox, or tree a coon (racoon); or has never hunted the rabbit, or flushed a covey of quail ahead of a pointed bird dog; or has never angled for bass or caught bream on a light line and rod, or taken catfish from a trotline and limb hook; has never lived.

Chief Justice Lee in Strong v. Bostick, 420 So. 2d 1356 (Miss. 1982).

About randywallace
I am a husband, father, attorney, outdoorsman and cook.

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